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How to find the Hotel Cristallo in Andalo in Trentino

The Cristallo hotel is located in the center of Andalo at the start of the ski lifts and a short walk from the town center.
To reach Andalo and the Cristallo Hotel by car from the A22 Brenner motorway:
  • for those coming from the north the recommended exit is S. Michele AA, at the roundabout take the first exit on the right towards Mezzolombardo, once passing the village of Mezzolombardo, follow the crossroads on the left towards Altopiano della Paganella - Andalo .
  • for those coming from the South, the recommended exit is Trento Nord. At the exit follow the ring road towards Lavis-Mezzolombardo. Continue to the tunnel, immediately after the end of this take the junction on the right and take the road towards the Paganella Plateau - Andalo.

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