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Wellness & Beauty Area

The La Perla Wellness Center In Andalo In The Hotel Cristallo

The La Perla wellness center in Andalo in the Hotel Cristallo
At Hotel Cristallo we are proud to own the new wellness and beauty area "La Perla" for the exclusive and free use of our customers.

Our elegant wellness center of around 450 square meters on two floors is the ideal place to enjoy pleasant moments of relaxation and well-being for body and mind.
The hotel concerns about 3 swimming pools, one for our younger guests on the ground floor, one for adults and a hot tub on the first floor.
Here you will find the fun and understanding baby pool for children up to 8 years.

The little ones under 6 years of age must be controlled and supervised by someone else and can only belong to the social pool from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

There is an indoor adult pool and an outdoor hot tub on the first floor. Enjoy having a relaxing bath that is immersed in water at 33,0 ° C, you are guided by the skier's rights that come from the slopes or in the summer in a certain and sunny region.

The center is seen from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.

To enter our wellness center is mandatory:

(Bathrobe, hat and slippers not made of terrycloth - rights to rent a bathrobe)
1 week € 10.00 harvest
+ € 10.00 deposit, which will be refunded at the end of the stay
3 days € 5.00 harvest

+ € 10.00 deposit, which will be refunded at the end of the stay

Bathing cap € 2.50
Bathing shoes € 5.00

10% discount for contractual contracts
10% discount for morning massages

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